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March 4, 2010

Past Due Update

Filed under: General — espeed @ 9:16 am — Tags:

So, I foreshadowed future posts with my last post but nothing materialized out of that. I apologize.

My life is pretty boring which in my opinion makes my posts pretty boring. Producing boring content is not its own reward; it doesn’t matter how zen you think you are. On the other hand, it’s annoying when people are always asking me how I’m doing so I should probably try to post brief updates here from time to time. This is one of those times.

Instead of a small book of boring everyday minutiae, I’ll instead focus on the areas of my life which matter most to me.

December 22, 2007

I did go to Japan and I have proof!!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — espeed @ 11:14 pm — Tags:

So, I’ve been meaing to do it for quite a long time, but I finally have pictures of my Japan trip uploaded.  There are no comments but if you have questions about any of the pics just ask.

Find them here:

Well, people, enjoy.  Those are my favorites.  I have many more pictures of statues and what not, but I didn’t think they were interesting enough to bore everyone with.