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August 13, 2008

Obon Week

Filed under: Uncategorized — espeed @ 9:00 am — Tags:

It’s been awhile since I posted which is unfortunate, but generally my day has consisted of: getting up, going to work, working, going out, sleeping, repeat.  This leaves little time for awesome blog posts.  Also, since I’m not out exploring like last year, my day is more routine and less hot touristy action.  On a positive note, I did update my last blog post with pictures, so you can go check that out if you want.

This week, however, I’m on vacation because it’s Obon week.  It’s the week that the Japanese return to their homes in the countryside and light laterns to guide the spirits of the dead back home.  It’s like Mexico’s Day of the Dead, but in August. 

While I’m technically on vacation (literally as well until today or possibly tomorrow at least), my project deadline is coming up and it’s hard for me not to think about work.  I’m pretty sure I can’t just go to work legitimately, but who’s to stop me form stopping by when I’m in the neighborhood, just to check on things.

In anycase, this is a vacation and I’ll probably update with interesting things sooner rather than later.


  1. You forgot the anime! Though that’s probably while you’re eating.

    Crunch time. D:

    Comment by Stephie — August 13, 2008 @ 1:37 pm

  2. Well, now I understand why at 6:00 AM here you hadn’t had anything to eat all day. I was confused. I am certainly impressed with what you’ve done, but then I’ve seen that spirit of determination since 6th grade. Paula did tell me the story of how you almost missed going to MIT. That was a huge life lesson. I am happy to see you doing well, and I will forward your email to Paula. She and I are going to have fun working together again.

    So how long will you be in Japan? Paula thought the two of us should terrorize you sometime and come visit. Guess we shouldn’t do it when you’re have way around the world.

    Good to know where and how you are.

    Take care,


    Comment by Sherrilyn — August 13, 2008 @ 7:57 pm

  3. How you almost missed going to MIT? Ah the little I really know! Believe me when I say that I value my ignorance more than
    my knowledge(grin)Off to Kansas today for our second “family reunion” Have another “family reunion” with Sommerfelds
    over Labor Day in two weeks. D.

    Comment by Darrel — August 16, 2008 @ 6:19 am

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