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March 8, 2009

Life Update

Filed under: General — espeed @ 11:35 pm — Tags:

It’s a bit unfortunate that it’s so easy to see how bad I’ve been about updating this blog.  A quick glance down to the last post shows almost a 7 month hiatus on my part.  With such a lapse in my main form of communication with other possibly interested lifeforms, you might think that I’ve been keeping people up to date through other more traditional methods.  This is not the case.  Various forms of activities, each more pressing than the last, has made me one of the worst correspondents of all time.  I don’t feel like doing work so I guess now is as good a time as any to break one bad habit.

I’ve decided to make this entry more of coming back post than anything else.  A flashback episode to get us caught up to events more relevant to the status quo.

I survived the last semester of school pretty well.  It was my hardest term but also my best term with respect to grades.  This was also the time of my main job hunt (I have to leave school eventually) which required me to fly all sorts of places which gave me less time do work and turned one A into a B.

Now, I’m into another term which I’m supposed to be taking easy, but at the same time have all sorts of added responsibilities and unsurprisingly still no real time for my various hobbies and pet projects.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to catch up a bit in the near future and develop some kind of sane schedule before I graduate.  I’m not holding my breath.

Future posts will cover my future after MIT, spring break, and maybe other stuff less related to my life depending on how much I care to share.

Wish me luck.

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